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Top Down Operator Precedence


Vaughan R. Pratt
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1973

Work reported herein was supported in part at Stanford by the National Science Foundation under grant no GJ 992, and the Office of Naval Research under grant number N-00014-67-A-Oll2-0057 NR 044-402; by IBM under a post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford; by the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.; and by Project MAC, an MIT research program sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense, under Office of Naval Research Contract Number N000l4-70-O362-0006 and the National Science Foundation under contract number GJO0-4327. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government.

1. Survey of the Problem Domain

1. 問題領域の調査

There is little agreement on the extent to which syntax should be a consideration in the design and implementation of programming languages. At one extreme, it is considered vital, and one may go to any lengths [Van Wijngaarden 1969, McKeeman 1970] to provide adequate syntactic capabilities. The other extreme is the spartan denial of a need for a rich syntax [Minsky 1970]. In between, we find some language implementers willing to incorporate as much syntax as possible provided they do not have to work hard at it [Wirth 1971].

プログラミング言語の設計と実装において、構文をどの程度考慮すべきかの規約はほぼありません。一方では重要と考え、適切な構文能力を提供するために労力を惜しまない人がいます[Van Wijngaarden 1969, McKeeman 1970]。また一方ではリッチな文法を強く否定する人もいます[Minsky 1970]。その中間の、幾人かの言語実装者は労力をかけずに可能な限り多くの構文を盛り込もうとしていることに我々は気づきました。

In this paper we present what should be a satisfactory compromise for a respectably large proportion of language designers and implementers. We have in mind particularly


  1. those who want to write translators and interpreters (soft, firm or hardwired) for new or extant languages without having to acquire a large system to reduce the labor, and


  2. those who need a convenient yet efficient language extension mechanism accessible to the language user.


The approach described below is very simple to understand, trivial to implement, easy to use, extremely efficient in practice if not in theory, yet flexible enough to meet most reasonable syntactic needs of users in both categories (i) and (ii) above. (What is "reasonable" is addressed in more detail below). Moreover, it deals nicely with error detection.

以下に説明するアプローチは理解しやすく、実装しやすく、利用しやすく、理論上ではなく実際上とても効果的で、上の(i) ・ (ii)の最も合理的に構文ニーズを満たす柔軟性があります。(何が「合理的」なのかは、以下でより詳細に述べます。)。そのうえ、うまくエラー検出に対処します。

One may wonder why such an "obviously" utopian approach has not been generally adopted already. I suspect the root cause of this kind of oversight is our universal preoccupation with BNF grammars and their various offspring: type 1 [Chomsky 1959], indexed [Aho 1968], macro [Fischer 1968], LR(k) [Knuth 1965], and LL(k) [Lewis 1968] grammars, to name a few of the more prominent ones, together with their related automata and a large body of theorems. I am personally enamored of automata theory per se, but I am not impressed with the extent to which it has so far been successfully applied to the writing of compilers or interpreters. Nor do I see a particularly promising future in this direction. Rather, I see automata theory as holding back the development of ideas valuable to language design that are not visibly in the domain of automata theory.

そのような「明らかに」ユートピア的なアプローチがなぜあまり一般的には採用されていないのか不思議に思われるかもしれません。私はこのような見落としを引き起こす根本的原因は、BNF文法およびBNFのさまざまな子孫:type 1 [Chomsky 1959]、indexed [Aho 1968]、macro[Fischer 1968]、LR(k)[Knuth 1965]、 LL(k)[Lewis 1968]など、著名なものに加えオートマトンおよび理論の大部分に関連するものによる私たちの先入観であると考えています。私は個人的にはオートマトン理論そのものに魅了されていますが、これまでのコンパイラやインタプリタを書くためにオートマトン理論を適用してきた状況を快く思っていません。この方向では特に有望な未来が見えません。むしろ、私はオートマトン理論が、オートマトン理論の領域では見えない、言語設計にとって価値のあるアイデアの開発を阻害していると考えています。

Users of BNF grammars encounter difficulties when trying to reconcile the conflicting goals of practical generality (coping simultaneously with symbol tables, data types and their inter-relations, resolution of ambiguity, unpredictable demands by the BNF user, top-down semantics, etc.) and theoretical efficiency (the guarantee that any translator using a given technique will run in linear time and reasonable space, regardless of the particular grammar used). BNF grammars alone do not deal adequately with either of these issues, and so they are stretched in some directions to increase generality and shrunk in others to improve efficiency. Both of these operations tend to increase the size of the implementation "life-support" system, that is, the software needed to pre-process grammars and to supervise the execution of the resulting translator. This makes these methods correspondingly less accessible and less pleasant to use. Also, the stretching operation is invariably done gingerly, dealing only with those issues that have been anticipated, leaving no room for unexpected needs.

BNF文法の利用者は、実用的な汎用性(シンボルテーブル・データタイプおよびそれらの相互関係を同時に複製、あいまいさの解決、BNF利用者による予測不能な要求、トップダウンセマンティクスなど)と理論的な効率(特定の文法を問わず、与えられた技術を使用しているトランスレータが線形時間と妥当なスペースで動作することの保証)という矛盾した目標を調整するという困難に直面します。 BNF文法だけでは、これらの問題のいずれも適切に扱うことができないため、いくつかを汎用性を増す方向に拡張し、効率を改善するために他のものを縮小します。これらの両方の操作は、「維持」システムの実装サイズを拡大する傾向があります。つまり、ソフトウェアは文法を事前処理し、トランスレータの実行を管理することが必要です。これらの手法はアクセスしずらく、使い心地も悪くなります。また、オペレーションの拡張は、予期しない要求に対応する余地はなく、予想された問題のみ取り扱われ、腫物を触るように実施されます。

I am thinking here particularly of the work of Lewis and Stearns and their colleagues on LL(k) grammars, table grammars, and attributed translations. Their approach, while retaining the precision characteristic of the mathematical sciences (which is unusual in what is really a computer-engineering and human-engineering problem), is tempered with a sensitivity to the needs of translator writers that makes it perhaps the most promising of the automata-theoretic approaches. To demonstrate its practicality, they have embodied their theory in an efficient Algol compiler.


A number of down-to-earth issues are not satisfactorily addressed by their system – deficiencies which we propose to make up in the approach below; they are as follows.

いくつかの現実的な課題 - 以下のアプローチで補完案を提示しているシステムの不備 - がシステムによって満足に対処されていません。それらは以下の通りです。

  1. From the point of view of the language designer, implementer or extender, writing an LL(k) grammar, and keeping it LL(k) after extending it, seems to be a black art, whose main redeeming feature is that the life-support system can at least localize the problems with a given grammar. It would seem preferable, where possible, to make it easier for the user to write acceptable grammars on the first try, a property of the approach to be presented here.


  2. There is no "escape clause" for dealing with non-standard syntactic problems (e.g. Fortran format statements). The procedural approach of this paper makes it possible for the user to deal with difficult problems in the same language he uses for routine tasks.

    非標準的な構文上の問題(Fortran形式の文など)を扱うための "エスケープ句"がありません。この文書の手続き的アプローチは、ユーザーが日常的な作業に使用する言語で困難な問題に対処することを可能にします。

  3. The life-support system must be up, running and debugged on the user's computer before he can start to take advantage of the technique. This may take more effort than is justifiable for one-shot applications. We suggest an approach that requires only a few lines of code for supporting software.


  4. Lewis and Stearns consider only translators, in the context of their LL(k) system; it remains to be determined how effectively they can deal with interpreters. The approach below is ideally suited for interpreters, whether written in software, firmware or hardware.

    Lewis and StearnsはLL(k)システムの文脈ではトランスレータだけを考慮しています。それらはどのくらい効果的にインタープリターに対処できるかが決定されていることを意味します。以下のアプローチは、ソフトウェア、ファームウェア、またはハードウェアで書かれたインタープリタに適しています。

2. Three Syntactic Issues

2. 3つの構文上の問題

To cope with unanticipated syntactic needs, we adopt the simple expedient of allowing the language implementer to write arbitrary programs. By itself, this would represent a long step backwards; instead, we offer in place of the rigid structure of a BNF-oriented meta-language a modicum of supporting software, and a set of guidelines on how to write modular, efficient, compact and comprehensible translators and interpreters while preserving the impression that one is really writing a grammar rather than a program.

予期しない構文上のニーズに対処するために、言語実装者が自由にプログラムを書くことを可能にする簡単な手段を採用します。それ自体は、 (訳注:技術的な?)後退を表しています。その代わりに、BNF指向のメタ言語の堅牢な構造の代わりに、小さなサポート・ソフトウェア、および実際にプログラムではなく文法を書くことを維持しながら、トランスレータととインタプリタをモジュラーで効率的でコンパクトでわかりやすく書くためのガイドラインを提供します。

The guidelines are based on some elementary assumptions about the primary syntactic needs of the average programmer.


First, the programmer already understands the semantics of both the problem and the solution domains, so that it would seem appropriate to tailor the syntax to fit the semantics. Current practice entails the reverse.


Second, it is convenient if the programmer can avoid having to make up a special name for every object his program computes. The usual way to do this is to let the computation itself name the result -- e.g. the object which is the second argument of + in the computation a+b*c is the result of the computation b*c. We may regard the relation "is an argument of" as defining a class of trees over computations; the program then contains such trees, which need conventions for expressing linearly.

第2に、プログラムが計算するすべてのオブジェクトに特別な名前をつけなくても済むようにすれば便利です。これを行うために通常は計算自体に結果の名前を付けます。たとえば 計算 a+b*c+の第二引数は b*cの結果です。私たちは計算上でツリーのクラスの定義として "の引数である"と考えるかもしれません。プログラムはそのようなツリーを含み、線形に表現するための規則を必要とします。

Third, semantic objects may require varying degrees of annotation at each invocation, depending on how far the particular invocation differs in intent from the norm [e.g. for loops that don't start from 1, or don't step by 1). The programmer needs to be able to formulate these annotations within the programming language.


There are clearly many more issues than these in the design of programming languages. However, these seem to be the ones that have a significant impact on the syntax aspects. Let us now draw inferences from the above assumptions.


2.1 Lexical Semantics versus Syntactic Semantics

2.1 レキシカルセマンティクスとシンタックスセマンティクス

The traditional mechanism for assigning meanings to programs is to associate semantic rules with phrase-structure rules,or equivalently, with classes of phrases. This is inconsistent with the following reasonable model of a programmer.


The programmer has in mind a set of semantic objects. His natural inclination is to talk about them by assigning them names, or tokens. He then makes up programs using these tokens, together with other tokens useful for program control, and some purely syntactic tokens. (No clear-cut boundary separates these classes.) This suggests that it is more natural to associate semantics with tokens than with classes of phrases.


This argument is independent of whether we specify program control explicitly, as in Algol-like languages, or implicitly,as in Planner-Conniver-like languages. In either case, the programmer wants to express his instructions or intentions concerning certain objects.


When a given class of phrases is characterized unambiguously by the presence of a particular token, the effect is the same, but this is not always the case in a BNF-style semantic specification, and I conjecture that the difficulty of learning and using a given language specified with a BNF grammar increases in proportion to the number of rules not identifiable by a single token. The existence of an operator grammar [Floyd 1963] for Algol 60 provides a plausible account of why people succeed in learning Algol, a process known not to be strongly correlated with whether they have seen the BNF of Algol.

与えられたクラスのフレーズが特定のトークンの存在によって明確に特徴づけられるとき、効果は同じであるが、これはBNFスタイルのセマンティック仕様においてかならずしも当てはまるとは限らず、 BNF文法で記述された言語を学習し理解する難しさは、単一のトークンでは識別できない規則の数に比例して増加するのではないかと推測しています。Algol 60の演算子文法[Floyd 1963]の存在が、人々がAlgolのBNFを見たかどうかと強く相関しないことが知られているAlgolの学習に成功した理由についての説得力のある説明を提供します。

There are two advantages of separating semantics from syntax in this way. First, phrase-structure rules interact more strongly than individual tokens because rules can share non-terminals whereas tokens have nothing to share. So our assignment of semantics to tokens has a much better chance of being modular than an assignment to rules. Thus one can tailor the language to one's needs by selecting from a library, or writing, the semantics of just those objects that one needs for the task in hand, without having to worry about preordained interactions between two semantic objects at the syntactic level. Second, the language designer is free to develop the syntax of his language without concern for how it will affect the semantics; instead, the semantics will affect decisions about the syntax. The next two issues (linearizing trees and annotating tokens) illustrate this point well. Thus syntax is the servant of semantics, an appropriate relationship since the substance of the message is conveyed with the semantics, Variations in syntax being an inessential trimming added on human-engineering grounds.

このように構文からセマンティクスを分離する利点は2つあります。第1に、フレーズ構造規則は、トークンは何も共有しないのに対してルールは非終端記号を共有することができるので、個々のトークンよりも強く相互作用します。したがって、トークンへのセマンティクスの割り当ては、ルールへの割り当てよりもモジュール化の可能性がはるかに高くなります。 したがって、構文レベルでの2つのセマンティック・オブジェクト間の事前定義された相互作用を考慮することなく、手元にあるタスクに必要なオブジェクトのセマンティクスをライブラリから選択するか、または書くことによって、言語をニーズに合わせることができます。第二に、言語設計者は、セマンティクスにどのように影響するかに関わらず、自由に言語の構文を開発することができます。代わりに、セマンティクスは構文に関する決定に影響します。次の2つの問題(ツリーを線形化し、トークンに注釈を付ける)は、この点をよく示しています。したがって、構文は、セマンティクスの召使いであり、メッセージの内容がセマンティクスと一緒に伝達されるので適切な関係であり、人間工学的根拠に加えられ不要物を取り除かれた構文のバリエーションです。

The idea of lexical semantics is implicit in the usual approach to macro generation, although the point usually goes unmentioned. I suspect many people find syntax macros [Leavenworth 1966] appealing for reasons related to the above discussion.

レキシカル・セマンティクスの考え方は、通常マクロ生成のアプローチは暗黙的ですが、この点は通常は言及されていません。私は、多くの人々は上記の議論に関連した理由によって構文マクロ[Leavenworth 1966]を魅力的だと感じていると推測します。

2.2 Conventions for Linearizing Trees

2.2 ツリーの線形化の規約

We argued at the beginning of section 2 that in order to economize on names the programmer resorted to the use of trees. The precedent has a long history of use of the same trick in natural language. Of necessity (for one-dimensional channels) the trees are mapped into strings for transmission and decoded at the other end. We are concerned with both the human and computer engineering aspects of the coding. We may assume the trees look like, e.g.


                            │ apply │
                    ┌───┐       ║          ┌───┐
                    │ λ ╞═══════╩══════════╡ + │
                    └─╥─┘                  └─╥─┘
              ┌───┐   ║   ┌───┐   ┌──────┐   ║   ┌───┐
              │ x ╞═══╩═══╡ ; │   │ read ╞═══╩═══╡ 3 │
              └───┘       └─╥─┘   └──────┘       └───┘
                    ┌───┐   ║        ┌───────┐
                    │ ← ╞═══╩════════╡ print │
                    └─╥─┘            └────╥──┘
              ┌───┐   ║   ┌───┐   ┌───┐   ║   ┌───┐
              │ y ╞═══╩═══╡ ! │   │ y ╞═══╩═══╡ 1 │
              └───┘       └─╥─┘   └───┘       └───┘
                          │ x │

That is, every node is labelled with a token whose arguments if any are its subtrees. Without further debate we shall adopt the following conventions for encoding trees as strings.


  1. The string contains every occurrence of the tokens in the tree, (which we call the semantic tokens, which include procedural items such as if,;) together with some additional syntactic tokens where necessary.


  2. Subtrees map to contiguous sub- strings containing no semantic token out- side that subtree.


  3. The order of arguments in the tree is preserved. (Naturally these are oriented trees in general.)


  4. A given semantic token in the language, together with any related syntactic tokens, always appear in the same place within the arguments; e.g. if we settle for +a,b, we may not use a+b as well. (This convention is not as strongly motivated as (i)-(iii); without it, however, we must be overly restrictive in other areas more important than this one.)

    言語内の特定の意味トークンは、関連する構文トークンと一緒に常に引数内の同じ場所に表示されます。例えば、私たちが解決した場合+a,b、私たちはa+b同様に使うことはできません。(この条約は、(i) - (iii)と強く動機づけられているわけではありませんが、それがなければ、これ以上重要な他の分野では過度に制限しなければなりません)。

If we insist that every semantic token take a fixed number of arguments, and that it always precede all of its arguments (prefix notation) we may unambiguously recover the tree from the string (and similarly for postfix) as is well known. For a variable number of arguments, the LISP solution of having syntactic tokens (parentheses) at the beginning and end of a subtree's string will suffice.


Many people find neither solution particularly easy to read. They prefer...

多くの人々は、どちらの解決法も特に読むのが簡単ではないと感じています 彼らは好む...

ab² + cd² = 4 sin (a+b)



= + * a ↑ b 2 * c ↑ d 2 * 4 sin + a b

or to...


(= (+ (* a (↑ b 2)) (* c (↑ d 2))) (* 4 (sin (+ a b))))

although they will settle for...


a*b↑2 + c*d↑2 = 4*sin(a+b)

in lieu of the first if necessary. (But I have recently encountered some LISP users claiming the reverse, so I may be biased.)


An unambiguous compromise is to require parentheses but move the tokens, as in...


(((a * (b ↑ 2)) + (c * (d ↑ 2))) = (4 * (sin (a + b))))

This is actually quite readable, if not very writable, but it is difficult to tell if the parentheses balance, and it nearly doubles the number of symbols. Thus we seem forced inescapably into having to solve the problem that operator precedence was designed for, namely the association problem. Given a substring AEB where A takes a right argument, B a left, and E is an expression, does E associate with A or B?

これは実際には非常に読みやすいですが、あまり書き込むことはできませんが、カッコが平衡しているかどうかを判断するのは難しく、記号の数がほぼ2倍になります。このように、私たちは、オペレータの優先順位が設計された問題、すなわち関連問題を解決しなければならなくなったように思われます。部分文字列を考えると右引数、とり左、と表現され、ないに関連付けるかを? AEB where A takes a right argument, B a left, and E is an expression, does E associate with A or B?

A simple convention would be to say E always associates to the left. However, in print a + b, it is clear that a is meant to associate with +, not print. The reason is that (print a) + b does not make any conventional sense, print being a procedure not normally returning an arithmetic value. The choice of print (a + b) was made by taking into account the data types of print's right argument, +'s left argument, and the types returned by each. Thus the association is a function of these four types (call them aA, rA, aB, rB for the argument and result respectively of A and B) that also takes into account the legal coercions (implicit type conversions) Of course, sometimes both associations make sense,and sometimes neither. Also rA or rB may depend on the type of E, further complicating matters.

簡単なコンベンションはE、常に左に関連付けると言うことです。しかし、print a + bそれは、それがa仲間で+はなく、仲間であることは明らかですprint。その理由は、通常は算術値を返さない手順である(print a) + b従来の意味を全く持たないからprintです。選択は、右の引数、左の引数、およびそれぞれが返すprint (a + b)型のデータ型を考慮に入れて行いました。したがって、協会はこれら4種類(それらを呼び出すの関数であり、引数のためのそれぞれつながるとも考慮にもちろん法的な強制型変換(暗黙の型変換を)取る)、時には両方の関連は理にかなって、時にはどちらも。また、print+aA, rA, aB, rBABrAまたは種類によりますが、さらに複雑な問題があります。rBE

One way to resolve the issue is simply to announce the outcome in advance for each pair A and B, basing the choices on some reasonable heuristics. Floyd [1963] suggested this approach, called operator precedence. The outcome was stored in a table. Floyd also suggested a way of encoding this table that would work in a small number of cases, namely that a number should be associated with each argument position by means of precedence functions over tokens; these numbers are sometimes called "binding powers". Then E is associated with the argument position having the higher number. Ties need never occur if the numbers are assigned carefully; alternatively, ties may be broken by associating to the left, say. Floyd showed that Algol 60 could be so treated.

問題を解決する1つの方法は、各ペアのために、事前に結果を発表するだけであるAB、いくつかの合理的な経験則上の選択肢を基づか。Floyd [1963]は、オペレータ優先順位と呼ばれるこのアプローチを提案した。結果はテーブルに保存されました。Floydはまた、少数のケースで動作するこのテーブルをエンコードする方法を提案しました。つまり、トークン上の優先順位関数によって各引数の位置に数値を関連付ける必要があります。これらの数字は「バインディング・パワー」と呼ばれることもあります。次にE、より高い番号を持つ引数位置に関連付けられます。番号が慎重に割り当てられている場合、ネクタイは決して発生する必要はありません。代わりに、ネクタイは左に関連付けることで壊れるかもしれません。Floydは、Algol 60がそのように扱われることを示した。

One objection to this approach is that there seems to be little guarantee that one will always be able to find a set of numbers consistent with one's needs. Another obeection is that the programmer has to learn as many numbers as there are argument positions, which for a respectable language may be the order of a hundred. We present an approach to language design which simultaneously solves both these problems, without unduly restricting normal usage, yet allows us to retain the numeric approach to operator precedence.


The idea is to assign data types to classes and then to totally order the classes. An example might be, in ascending order, Outcomes (e.g., the pseudo-result of print), Booleans, Graphs (e.g. trees, lists, plexes), Strings, Algebraics (e.g. integers, complex nos, polynomials, real arrays) and References (as on the left side of an assignment.) We write Strings < References, etc.

アイデアは、データ型をクラスに割り当て、クラスを完全に並べ替えることです。例えば、昇順で、結果(擬似結果print)、ブーリアン、グラフ(木、リスト、プレックスなど)、文字列、代数(整数、複合nos、多項式、実数配列)や参考文献課題の左側にあるようStrings < Referencesに)書くなど

We now insist that the class of the type at any argument that might participate in an association problem not be less than the class of the data type of the result of the function taking that argument. This rule applies to coercions as well. Thus we may use < since its argument types (Algebraics) are each greater than its result type (Boolean.) We may not write length x (where x is a string or a graph) since the argument type is less than the result type. However, |x| would be an acceptable substitute for length x as its argument cannot participate in an association problem.

連合問題に関与する可能性がある引数の型のクラスが、その引数を取った関数の結果のデータ型のクラスより小さくならないようにする必要があります。このルールは強制的に強制にも適用されます。したがって、私たちが使用する可能性<、その引数の型(Algebraics)は、各その結果型よりも大きいので、(ブール値。)私たちは書き込みしないことがありlength x(ここで、x引数の型が、結果の型よりも小さいので、文字列やグラフです)。しかし、その議論が連合問題に参加することができない|x| ので、受け入れられる代用品となるだろう length x

Finally, we adopt the convention that when all four data types in an association are in the same class, the association is to the left.


These restrictions on the language, while slightly irksome, are certainly not as demanding as the LISP restriction that every expression have parentheses around it. Thus the following theorem should be a little surprising, since it implies that the programmer never need learn any associations!


Theorem 1


Given the above restrictions, every association problem has at most one solution consistent with the data types of the associated operators.




Let ...AEB... be such a problem, and suppose E may associate with both A and B. Hence because E associates with A [aA] ≧ [rA] ≧ [aB] ≧ [rB] (type x is in class[x]) since coercion is non-increasing, and the type class of the result of ...AE is not greater than [rA], by an obvious inductive proof. Also for E with B, [aB] ≧ [rB] ≧ [aA] ≧ [rA] similarly. Thus [aA] = [aB], [rA] = [rB], and [aA] = [rB], that is, all four are in the same class. But the convention in this case is that E must associate with A, contradicting our assumption that E could associate with B as well.

...AEB...そのような問題になりましょう、と仮定Eして、両方Aと関連付けるかもしれませんB。それゆえ、強制は非増加であり、結果の型クラスは明白な帰納的証明よりも大きくないのでE、(型が入っている)ため、またためで、同様に。このように、と、つまり、4つのすべては、同じクラスです。しかし、この場合の規則はそれがあると関連付ける必要があり、当社の仮定矛盾する、と関連付けることができ、同様に。∎A [aA] ≧ [rA] ≧ [aB] ≧ [rB]xclass[x]...AE[rA]EB[aB] ≧ [rB] ≧ [aA] ≧ [rA][aA] = [aB][rA] = [rB][aA] = [rB]EAEB

This theorem implies that the programmer need not even think about association except in the homogeneous case (all four types in the same class), and then he just remembers the left-associativity rule. More simply, the rule is "always associate to the left unless it doesn't make sense".


What he does have to remember is how to write expressions containing a given token (e.g. he must know that one writes |x|, not length x) and which coercions are allowed. These sorts of facts are quite modular, being contained in the description of the token itself independently of the properties of any other token, and should certainly be easier to remember than numbers associated with each argument.

彼が覚えておかなければならないのは、与えられたトークンを含む式を書く方法です(例えば、彼が書き込むことを知っていなければなりませ|x|んlength x)。これらの種類の事実はかなりモジュール化されており、他のトークンのプロパティとは独立してトークン自体の記述に含まれており、各引数に関連付けられた数字よりも覚えやすいものでなければなりません。

Given all of the above, the obvious way to parse strings (i.e. recover their trees) is, for each association problem, to associate to the left unless this yields semantic nonsense. Unfortunately, nonsense testing requires looking up the types rA and aB and verifying the existence of a coercion from rA to aB. For translation this is not serious, but for interpretation it might slow things down significantly. Fortunately, there is an efficient solution that uses operator precedence functions.


Theorem 2

定理 2

Given the above restrictions on a language, there exists an assignment of integers to the argument positions of each token in the language such that the correct association, if any, is always in the direction of the argument position with the larger number, with ties being broken to the left.



First assign even integers (to make room for the following interpolations) to the data type classes. Then to each argument position assign an integer lying strictly (where possible) between the integers corresponding to the classes of the argument and result types. To see that this assignment has the desired property, consider the homogeneous and non-homogeneous cases in the problem ...AEB... as before.


In the homogeneous case all four types are in the same class and so the two numbers must be equal, resulting in left association as desired. If two of the data types are in different classes, then one of the inequalities in [aA] ≧ [rA] ≧ [aB] ≧ [rB] (assuming E associates with A) must be strict. If it is the first or third inequality, then A's number must be strictly greater than B's because of the strictness condition for lying between different argument and result type class numbers. If it is the second inequality then A's number is greater than B's because A's result type class number is greater than B‘s argument one. A similar argument holds if E associates with B, completing the proof.

同種の場合、4つの型はすべて同じクラスにあり、したがって2つの数は等しい必要があり、その結果、必要に応じて左の関連付けが行われます。データ型のうちの2つが異なるクラスにある場合は、(従属関係を前提とする)不等式の1つが厳密でなければなりません。最初または3番目の不等式であれば、引数は異なる引数と結果の型クラス番号の間にある厳密な条件のために厳密にs より大きくなければなりません。それは第二の不等式がある場合は、その後の数がより大きいので、s 'はさんは型クラスの数がより多い結果と引数s 1 "。関連があれば同様の議論が成立し、証拠を完成させる。∎[aA] ≧ [rA] ≧ [aB] ≧ [rB]EAABABABEB

Thus Theorem 1 takes care of what the programmer needs to know, and Theorem 2 what the computer needs to know. In the former case we are relying on the programmer's familiarity with the syntax of each of his tokens; in the latter, on the computer's agility with numbers. Theorem 2 establishes that the two methods are equivalent.


Exceptions to the left association rule for the homogeneous case may be made for classes as a whole without upsetting Theorem 2. This can be done by decrementing by 1 the numbers for argument positions to the right of all semantic tokens in that class, that is, the right binding powers. Then the programmer must remember the classes for which the exception holds. Applying this trick to some tokens in a class but not to others gives messy results, and so does not seem worth the extra effort required to remember the affected tokens.


The non-semantically motivated conventions about and, or, + and may be implemented by further subdividing the appropriate classes (here the Booleans and Algebraics) into pseudo-classes, e.g. terms < factors < primaries, as in the BNF for Algol 60. Then + is defined over terms, * over factors and over primaries, with coercions allowed from primaries to factors to terms. To be consistent with Algol, the primaries should be a right associative class.

非意味的動機に関する規則and、or、+および↑さらに擬似クラス、例えばに適切なクラス(ここでブールとAlgebraics)を細分化することによって実現されてもよいterms <factors < primaries次いでアルゴル60のためのBNFのように+、用語上に定義されている*要素の上及び↑プライマリからファクタへの変換が許可されています。Algolと一貫性を持たせるためには、プライマリは正しい結合クラスでなければなりません。

While these remarks are not essential to the basic approach, they do provide a sense in which operator precedence is more than just an ad hoc solution to the association problem. Even if the language designers find these guidelines too restrictive, it would not contradict the fact that operator precedence is in practice a quite satisfactory solution, and we shall use it in the approach below regardless of whether the theoretical justification is reasonable. Nevertheless we would be interested to see a less restrictive set of conventions that offer a degree of modularity comparable with the above while retaining the use of precedence functions. The approach of recomputing the precedence functions for every operator after one change to the grammar is not modular, and does not allow flexible access to individual items in a library of semantic tokens.


An attractive alternative to precedence functions would be to dispose of the ordering and rely purely on the data types and legal coercions to resolve associations. Cases which did not have a unique answer would he referred back to the programmer, which would be acceptable in an on-line environment, but undesirable in batch mode. Our concern about efficiency for interpreters could be dealt with by having the outcome of each association problem marked at its occurrence, to speed things up on subsequent encounters. Pending such developments, operator precedence seems to offer the best overall compromise in terms of modularity, ease of use and memorizing, and efficiency.


The theorems of this section may be interpreted as theorems about BNF grammars, with the non-terminals playing the role of data type classes. However, this is really a draw-back of BNF; the non-terminals tempt one to try to say everything with just context-free rules, which brings on the difficulties mentioned in Section 1. It would seem preferable to refer to the semantic objects directly rather than to their abstraction in an inadequate language.


2.3 Annotation

2.3 Annotation

When a token has more than two arguments, we lose the property of infix notation that the arguments are delimited. This is a nice property to retain, partly for readability, partly because complications arise, e.g., if - is to be used as both an infix and a prefix operator; ( also has this property as an infix it denotes application, as a prefix, a no-op. Accordingly we require that all arguments be delimited by at least one token; such a grammar Floyd [1963] calls an operator grammar. Provided the number of arguments remains fixed it should be clear that no violence is done by the extra arguments to theorems 1 and 2, since the string of tokens and arguments including the two arguments at each end plays the same syntactic role as the single semantic token in the two argument case. We shall call the semantic tokens associated with a delimiter its parents.

トークンが3つ以上の引数を持つ場合、引数が区切られている中置表記の特性が失われます。これは、可読性のために、部分的には複雑さが生じるために保持するのが良い性質です。例えば、ifを-中置演算子と接頭演算子の両方として使用する場合などです。(また、このプロパティは、接頭辞として、アプリケーションを示す中置として、ノーオペレーションを有する。したがって、すべての引数を少なくとも1つのトークンで区切る必要があります。そのような文法Floyd [1963]はオペレータ文法を呼び出す。引数の数が固定されていれば、各端の2つの引数を含むトークンと引数の文字列が単一の意味トークンと同じ構文的役割を果たすので、定理1と2の余分な引数によって暴力が行われないことは明らかである2つの議論のケースでは、区切り文字に関連するセマンティックトークンをその親と呼ぶことにする。

An obvious choice of delimiters is commas. However, this is not as valuable as a syntactic token that documents the role of the argument following it. For example, if a then b else c is more readable (by a human) then if a, b, c. Other examples are print x format f, i from s to f by d while c do b, log x base b, solve e using m, x between y and z, etc.

>区切り文字の明白な選択はカンマです。しかし、これはそれに続く引数の役割を文書化する構文トークンほど価値がありません。たとえば、if a then b else c(人間によって)より読みやすくなりif a, b, cます。他の例はprint x format f、i from s to f by d while c do b、log x base b、solve e using m、x between y and zなど、

Sometimes arguments may be frequently used constants, e.g., for i from 1 to n by 1 while true do b. If an argument is uniquely identified by its preceding delimiter, an obvious trick is to permit the omission of that argument and its token to denote that a default value should be used. Thus, we may abbreviate the previous example to for i to n do b, as in extended Algol 68. Other obvious defaults are log x for log x base 2, if x then y for if x then y else nil, and so on. Note that various arguments now may be involved in associations, depending on which ones are absent.

引数は頻繁に使用される定数である場合がありますfor i from 1 to n by 1 while true do b。引数がその前の区切り文字によって一意に識別される場合、明らかなトリックは、その引数とそのトークンの省略を許可して、デフォルト値が使用されるべきであることを示すことです。したがって、for i to n do b拡張Algol 68のように、前の例を省略することがあります。その他の明白なデフォルトはlog xfor log x base 2、if x then yfor if x then y else nilなどです。存在しないものに応じて、いろいろな議論が関連に関わっている可能性があることに注意してください。

Another situation is that of the variable length parameter list, e.g., clear a, b, c, d. Commas are more appropriate here, although again we may need more variety, as in turn on a on b off g on m off p off t (in which the unamed switches or bits are left as they are). All of these examples show that we want to be able to handle quite a variety of situations with default parameters and variable-length parameter lists. No claim is made that the above examples exhaust the possibilities, so our language design should make provision not only for the above, but for the unexpected as well. This is one reason for preferring a procedural embedding of semantics; we can write arbitrary code to find all the arguments when the language designer feels the need to complicate things.

別の状況は、可変長パラメータリストの状況であるclear a, b, c, d。ここではカンマがより適切ですが、ここでもturn on a on b off g on m off p off t(unamedスイッチやビットはそのままの状態で)さまざまな変更が必要です。これらの例はすべて、デフォルトパラメータと可変長パラメータリストを使って非常に様々な状況を処理できるようにしたいことを示しています。上記の例は可能性を排除するという主張はなされていないので、私たちの言語設計は上記のためだけでなく予期せぬことに対しても条項を設けなければならない。これは、セマンティクスの手続き的埋め込みを好む理由の1つです。言語設計者が事態を複雑にする必要があると感じたら、すべての引数を見つけるために任意のコードを書くことができます。

3. Implementation

3. 実装

In the preceeding section we argued for lexical semantics, operator precedence and a variety of ways of supplying arguments. In this section we reduce this to practice.


To combine lexical semantics with a procedural approach, we assign to each semantic token a program called its semantic code, which contains almost all the information about the token. To translate or interpret a string of tokens, execute the code of each token in turn from left to right.


Many tokens will expect arguments, which may occur before or after the token. If the argument always comes before, as with unary postfix operators such as "!", we may parse expressions using the following one-state parser.

多くのトークンは、トークンの前または後に発生する可能性がある引数を期待します。もし引数が常に前に来るなら、 "!"のような単項の後置演算子の場合と同様に、次の一状態パーザを使って式を解析するかもしれません。

                      ║    ┌──╨─┐
                      ║    │ q0 │
                      ║    └──╥─┘
                      ║       ║
                      ║       ║  left ← run code;
                      ║       ║  advance

This parser is initially positioned at the beginning of the input. It runs the code of the current token, stores the result in a variable called left, advances the input, and repeats the process. If the input is exhausted, then by default the parser halts and returns the value of left. The variable left may be consulted by the code of the next token, which will use the value of left as either the translation or value of the left-hand argument, depending on whether it is translating or interpreting.


Alternatively, all arguments may appear on the right, as with unary prefix operators such as log and sin. In this case the code of a prefix operator can get its argument by calling the code of the following token. This process will continue recursively until a token is encountered (e.g., a variable or a constant) that does not require an argument. The code of this token returns the appropriate translation and then so does the code of each of the other tokens, in the reverse of the order in which they were called.


Clearly we want to be able to deal with a mixture of these two types of tokens, together with tokens having both kinds of arguments (infix operators). This is where the problem of association arises, for which we recommended operator precedence. We add a state to the parser, thus:


                      ║    ┌──╨─┐
                      ║    │ q0 │
                      ║    └──╥─┘
                      ║       ║
                      ║       ║  c ← code; advance;
                      ║       ║  left ← run c
                      ║       ║
                      ║    ┌──╨─┐
                      ║    │ q1 │
                      ║    └──╥─┘
                      ║       ║
                      ║       ║  rbp < lpb/

Starting in state q0, the parser interprets a token after advancing past that token, and then enters state q1. If a certain condition is satisfied, the parser returns to q0 to process the next token; otherwise it halts and returns the value of left by default.


We shall also change our strategy when asking for a right-hand argument, making a recursive call of the parser itself rather than of the code of the next token. In making this call we supply the binding power associated with the desired argument, which we call the rbp (right binding power), whose value remains fixed as this incarnation of the parser runs. The lbp (left binding power) is a property of the current token in the input stream, and in general will change each time state q1 is entered. The left binding power is the only property of the token not in its semantic code. To return to q0 we require rbp < lbp. If this test fails, then by default the parser returns the last value of left to whoever called it, which corresponds to A getting E in AEB if A had called the parser that read E. If the test succeeds, the parser enters state q0, in which case B gets E instead.

また、右の引数を求めて、次のトークンのコードではなく、パーサ自体を再帰的に呼び出すときに、戦略を変更します。この呼び出しを行う際には、rbp(right binding power)と呼ばれる、必要な引数に関連付けられたバインディング・パワーを供給します。このパーサーは、このパーサのインカネーションが実行されるときに値が固定されたままです。LBP(左側の結合力)は、入力ストリーム内の現在のトークンの所有物であり、各時刻の状態が変更され、一般的にq1入力されます。左の束縛力は、そのセマンティックコードにないトークンの唯一のプロパティです。q0私たちは必要に戻るに戻るrbp < lbp。このテストが失敗した場合、デフォルトでは、パーサはその最後の値leftを誰にでも返します。A取得EでAEBあればA読んでパーサを呼んでいましたE。テストが成功すると、パーサーは状態q0になり、その場合BはE代わりに取得されます。

Because of the possibility of there being several recursive calls of the parser running simultaneously, a stack of return addresses and right binding powers must be used. This stack plays essentially the same role as the stacks described explicitly in other parsing schemes.


We can embellish the parser a little by having the edge leaving q1 return to q1 rather than q0. This may appear wasteful since we have to repeat the q0 - q1 code on the q1 - q1 edge as well. However, this change allows us to take advantage of the distinction between q0 and q1, namely that left is undefined in state q0 and defined in q1 -- that is, some expression precedes a token interpreted during the q1 - q1 transition but not a token interpreted during the q0 - q1 transition. We will call the code denoted by a token with (without) a preceding expression its left (null) denotation or led (nud). The machine becomes...

私たちは、去る縁部を有することにより、パーサを少し飾ることができますq1への復帰q1ではなくをq0。エッジでq0 - q1コードを繰り返す必要があるので、これは無駄に見えるかもしれませんq1 - q1。しかし、この変更により、とstateの定義されていない、つまり定義されていない- q0との区別を利用することができますq1。つまり、遷移中に解釈されるトークンに先行する式がありますが、遷移中に解釈されるトークンはありません。直前の式を残したトークンで表されるコードを、左(ヌル)表記またはled(nud)と呼びます。マシンは次のようになります...leftq0q1q1 - q1q0 - q1

                         │ q0 │
                            ║  c ← nud;
                            ║  advance;
                            ║  left ← run c
                    ╔═▶▶═╡ q1 │
                    ║    └──╥─┘
                    ║       ║
                    ║       ║  rbp < lpb/
                    ║       ║  c ← led;
                    ║       ║  advance;
                    ║       ║  left ← run c

or by splitting transitions and using a stack instead of variables (the state equals the variable on the stack):


                    │ q0 │
                       ║ nud
                       ║    ┌───┐  led
                       ╚═▶▶═╡ c ╞═══════◀◀═╗
                            └─╥─┘          ║
                              ║            ║
                              ║ advance;   ║
                              ║ run        ║
                              ║            ║

It now makes sense for a token to denote two different codes. For example, the nud of - denotes unary minus, and its led, binary minus. We may do the same for / (integer-to-semaphore conversion as in Algol 68, versus division), ( (syntactic grouping, as in a+(b×c), versus applications of variables or constants whose value is a function, as in Y(F), (λx.x²)(3), etc.), and ε (the empty string versus the membership relation).

トークンが2つの異なるコードを示すのが理にかなっています。たとえば、のヌード-は単項マイナスを示し、その2進マイナスを示します。私たちのために同じことを行うことができる/、(分割対アルゴル68のように整数対セマフォ変換、) ((のように、構文グループ化a+(b×c)と同様に、値関数である変数または定数のアプリケーションに対して、Y(F)、(λx.x²)(3)など)、およびε(空の文字列とメンバーシップの関係)。

A possibly more important role for nuds and leds is in error detection. If a token only has a nud and is given a left argument, or only has a led and is not given a left argument, or has neither, then non-existent semantic code is invoked, which can be arranged to result in the calling of an error routine.


So far we have assumed that semantic code optionally calls the parser once, and then returns the appropriate translation. One is at liberty to have more elaborate code, however, when the code can read the input (but not backspace it), request and use arbitrary amounts of storage, and carry out arbitrary computations in whatever language is available (for which an ideal choice is the language being defined). These capabilities give the approach the power of a Turing machine, to be used and abused by the language implementer as he sees fit. While one may object to all this power on the ground that obscure language descriptions can then be written, for practical purposes the same objection holds for BNF grammars, of which some quite obscure yet brief examples exist. In fact, the argument really runs the other way; the cooperative language implementer can use the extra power to produce more comprehensible implementations, as we shall see in section 4.


One use for this procedural capability is for the semantic code to read the delimiters and the arguments following them if any. Clearly any delimiter that might come directly after an argument should have a left binding power no greater than the binding power for that argument. For example, the nud of if, when encountered in the context if a then b else c, may call the parser for a, verify that then is present, advance, call the parser for b, test if else is present and if so then advance and call the parser a third time. (This resolves the "dangling else" in the usual way.) The nud of ( will call the parser, and then simply check that ) is present and advance the input. Delimiters of course may have multiple parents, and even semantic code, such as |, which might have a nud ('absolute value of' as in |x|'), and two parents, itself and '→' (where a→b|c is shorthand for if a then b else c). The ease with which mandatory and optional delimiters are dealt with constitutes one of the advantages of the top-down approach over the conventional methods for implementing operator precedence.

この手続き能力のための1つの使用法は、セマンティックコードがデリミタおよびそれに続く引数を読み込むことである。明らかに、引数の直後に来る可能性のある区切り文字は、その引数の束縛力よりも大きい左の束縛力を持たないはずです。例えばif、コンテキストif a then b else cで遭遇した場合、nudはパーサを呼び出し、存在aすることを確認しthen、進んで、パーサーを呼び出し、存在bすればテストelseし、そうであれば進んでパーザを3回呼び出すことができる。(これは通常の方法で "他のものを取り除く"を解決します。)のヌードは(、パーサを呼び出し、それ)が存在するかどうかを単にチェックし、入力を進めます。デリミタには複数の親があり、セマンティックコードでも|nud(絶対値は 'in |x|'のように)と2つの親自体と '→'(a→b|c省略形はどこか)を持つ可能性がありif a then b else cます。必須およびオプションのデリミタが処理されることの容易さは、オペレータ優先順位を実装するための従来の方法よりもトップダウン手法の利点の1つを構成します。

The parser's operation may perhaps be better understood graphically. Consider the example if 3*a + b!↑-3 = 0 then print a + (b-1) else rewind. We may exhibit the tree recovered by the parser from this expression as in the diagram below. The tokens encountered during one incarnation of the parser are enclosed in a dotted circle, and are connected via down-and-left links, while calls on the parser are connected to their caller by down-and-right links. Delimiters label the links of the expression they precede, if any. The no-op ( is included, although it is not really a semantic object.

パーサーの操作は、おそらくグラフィカルに理解されるかもしれません。例を考えてみましょうif 3*a + b!↑-3 = 0 then print a + (b-1) else rewind。以下の図のように、この式からパーサによって復元されたツリーを表示することがあります。パーザの1つの化身の間に遭遇したトークンは、点線の円で囲まれ、左下のリンクを介して接続され、パーサーのコールは右下のリンクによって発信者に接続されます。デリミタは、もしあれば、前にある式のリンクにラベルを付けます。(実際に意味論的オブジェクトではありませんが、no-op は含まれています。

                          ┌┄┄┄┄┐   else ┌┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┐
                          ┆ if ╞════════╡ rewind ┆
                          └┄┄╥┄┘        └┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┘
                             ║     then ┌┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┐
                             ╠══════════╡ print ┆
   ┌┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄║┄┄┄┐      └┄┄┄╥┄┄┄┘
   ┆       ┌───┐   ┌───┐   ┌─╨─┐ ┆      ┌┄┄┄║┄┄┄┐
   ┆       │ * ╞═══╡ + ╞═══╡ = │ ┆      ┆ ┌─╨─┐ ┆
   ┆       └─╥─┘   └─╥─┘   └─╥─┘ ┆      ┆ │ + │ ┆
   ┆         ║ ┌┄┄┄┄┄║┄┄┄┄┄┄┄║┄┄┄┘ ┌┄┄┄┄┘ └─╥─┘ ┆
   ┆         ║ ┆     ╚══╗    ║     ┆ ┌───┐  ║   ┆  ┌┄┄┄┐   ┌───┐
   ┆ ┌───┐   ║ ┆ ┌┄┄┄┐  ║  ┌┄╨┄┐   ┆ │ a ╞══╩══════╡ ( ╞═══╡ ) │
   ┆ │ 3 ╞═══╩═══╡ a ┆  ║  ┆ 0 ┆   ┆ └───┘      ┆  └┄╥┄┘   └───┘
   ┆ └───┘     ┆ └┄┄┄┘  ║  └┄┄┄┘   └┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┘    ║
   └┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┘    ┌┄┄┄║┄┄┄┐             ┌┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄║┄┄┄┐
                    ┆ ┌─╨─┐ ┆             ┆        ┌─╨─┐ ┆
                    ┆ │ ↑ │ ┆             ┆        │ - │ ┆
              ┌┄┄┄┄┄┘ └─╥─┘ ┆             ┆        └─╥─┘ ┆
              ┆       ┌┄║┄┄┄┘             ┆ ┌───┐    ║   ┆  ┌┄┄┄┐
              ┆ ┌───┐ ┆ ║   ┌┄┄┄┐         ┆ │ b ╞════╩══════╡ 1 ┆
              ┆ │ ! ╞═══╩═══╡ - ┆         ┆ └───┘        ┆  └┄┄┄┘
              ┆ └─╥─┘ ┆     └┄╥┄┘         └┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┘
              ┆   ║   ┆       ║
              ┆ ┌─╨─┐ ┆     ┌┄╨┄┐
              ┆ │ b │ ┆     ┆ 3 ┆
              ┆ └───┘ ┆     └┄┄┄┘

The major difference between the approach described here and the usual operator precedence scheme is that we have modified the Floyd operator precedence parser to work top-down, implementing the stack by means of recursion, a technique known as recursive descent. This would appear to be of no value if it is necessary to implement a stack anyway in order to deal with the recursion. However, the crucial property of recursive descent is that the stack entries are no longer just operators or operands, but the environments of the programs that called the parser recursively. When the programs are very simple, and only call the parser once, this environment gives us no more information than if we had semantic tokens themselves on the stack. When we consider more complicated sorts of constructions such as operators with various default parameters the technique becomes more interesting.


While the above account of the algorithm should be more or less self-explanatory, it may be worth while summarizing the properties of the algorithm a little more precisely.




An expression is a string S such that there exists a token t and an environment E in which if the parser is started with the input at the beginning of St, it will stop with the input at t, and return the interpretation of S relative to E.

式が文字列であるSトークンが存在するように、tそして環境Eパーサはの先頭に入力して開始された場合はここでSt、それは時に入力して停止しますt、と返すの解釈Sに相対 E。



  1. When the semantic code of a token t is run, it begins with the input positioned just to the right of that token, and it returns the interpretation of an expression ending just before the final position of the input, and starting either at t if t is a nud, or if t is a led then at the beginning of the expression of which left was the interpretation when the code of t started.

    トークンのセマンティックコードtが実行されると、それはそのトークンのすぐ右に位置付けられた入力から始まり、入力の最終位置の直前で終わる式の解釈を返し、tif tがnud 、または場合tは、最初のleftコードのt開始時に解釈されたの表現の先頭に導かれています。

  2. When the parser returns the interpretation of an expression S relative to environment E, S is immediately followed by a token with lbp ≦ rbp in E.

    パーサーがS環境Eに関連した式の解釈を返すと、S直後にlbp ≦ rbpin というトークンが続きますE。

  3. The led of a token is called only if it immediately follows an expression whose interpretation the parser has assigned to left.


  4. The lbp of a token whose led has just been called is greater than the rbp of the current environment.


  5. Every expression is either returned by the parser or given to the following led via left.

    すべての式は、パーサーによって返されるか、または次のled viaに渡されますleft。

  6. A token used only as a nud does not need a left binding power.


These properties are the ones that make the algorithm useful. They are all straightforward to verify. Property (i) says that a semantic token pushes the input pointer off the right end of the expression whose tree it is the root. Properties (ii), (iv) and (v) together completely account for the two possible fates of the contents of left. Property (iii) guarantees that when the code of a led runs, it has its left hand argument interpreted for it in left. There is no guarantee that a nud is never preceded by an expression; instead, property (v) guards against losing an expression in left by calling a nud which does not know the expression is there. Property (vi) says that binding powers are only relevant when an argument is involved.


4. Examples

4. 例

For the examples we shall assume that lbp, nud and led are really the functions lbp(token), nud(token) and led(token). To call the parser and simultaneously establish a value for rbp in the environment of the parser, we write parse(rbp), passing rbp as a parameter. Then a led runs, its left hand argument's interpretation is the value of the variable left, which is local to the parser calling that led.


Tokens without an explicit nud are assumed to have for their nud the value of the variable nonud, and for their led, noled. Also the variable self will have as value the token whose code is missing when the error occurs.


In the language used for the semantic code, we use a ← b to define the value of expression a to be the value of expression b (not b itself); also, the value of a ← b is that of b. The value of an expression is itself unless it has been defined explicitly by assignment or implicitly by procedure definition; e.g., the value of 3 is 3, of 1+1, 2. We write 'a' to mean the expression a whose value is a itself, as distinct from the value of a, e.g. '1+1' must be evaluated twice to yield 2.

セマンティックコードで使用される言語ではa ← b、expression aの値をexpressionの値b(bそれ自身ではない)に定義するために使用します。また、の価値はのa ← bですb。代入によって明示的に定義されていないか、または手続き定義によって暗黙的に定義されていない限り、式の値はそれ自身です。例えば、の値3は3、の1+1です2。値がそれ自体で'a'ある式を意味するように書く。たとえば、値とは異なる。例えば、yieldを得るために2回評価する必要がある。aaa'1+1'2

A string x is written "x" this differs from 'x' only in that x is now assumed to be a token, so that the value of "1+1" is the token 1+1, which does not evaluate to 2 in general. To evaluate a, then b, returning the value of b, write a;b. If the value of a is wanted instead, write a&b. (These are for side-effects.) We write check x for if token = x then advance else (print "missing"; print x; halt). Everything else should be self-explanatory. (Since this language is the one implemented in the second example, it will not hurt to see it defined and used during the first.)

文字列xが書かれて"x"いるのは、これがトークンであると仮定さ'x'れているものxとは異なるため、ofの値は一般的には評価されない"1+1"トークンです。評価するには、の値を返します。の値が代わりに必要な場合は、書き込みます。(これらは、副作用のためのものです。)我々は書くために。他のすべては自明でなければなりません。(この言語は2番目の例で実装されている言語なので、最初の例では定義されて使用されています。1+12abba;baa<bcheck xif token = x then advance else (print "missing"; print x; halt)

We give specifications, using this approach, of an on-line theorem prover, and a fragment of a small general-purpose programming language. The theorem prover is to demonstrate that this approach is useful for other applications than just programming languages. The translator demonstrates the flexibility of the approach.


For the theorem prover's semantics, we assume that we have the following primitives available:


  1. generate; this returns the bit string Ok1k and also doubles k, assumed 1 initially.

    generate; これはビットストリングを返し、また、最初は2倍になります。Ok1kk1

  2. boole(m,x,y): forms the bitwise boolean combination of strings x and y, where m is a string of four bits that specifies the combination in the obvious way ( 1000 = and, 1110 = or, 1001 = eqv etc). If one string is exhausted before the other, boole continues from the beginning of the exhausted string, cycling until both strings are exhausted simultaneously. Boole is not defined for strings of other than 0's and 1's.

    boole(m,x,y):文字列のビット単位のブール組み合わせを形成xし、yここで、m明白な方法(内組み合わせを指定する4ビットのストリングであり1000 = and、1110 = or、1001 = eqvなど)。一方の弦がもう一方の弦よりも先に使い果たされると、疲れた弦の始まりから弦が連続し、両方の弦が同時に使い尽くされるまでサイクルが繰り返されます。ブールは、0と1以外の文字列には定義されていません。

  3. x isvalid: a predicate that holds only when x is a string of all ones.

    x isvalid:xすべての文字列であるときのみ保持する述語。

We shall use these primitives to write a program which will read a zero-th order proposition, parse it, determine the truth-table column for each subtree in the parse, and print "theorem" or ”non-theorem" when "?” is encountered at the end of the proposition, depending on whether the whole tree returns all ones.


The theorem prover is defined by evaluating the following expression.


nonud   ←  'if null led(self) then nud(self) ← generate else (
               print self;
               print "has no argument"

led("?") ← 'if left isvalid then print "theorem" else print "non-theorem";
               parse 1';

lbp("?") ← 1;

nud("(") ← 'parse 0 & check ")"';

lbp(")") ← 0;

led("→") ← 'boole("1101", left, parse 1)';

lbp("→") ← 2;

led("∨") ← 'boole("1110", left, parse 3)';

lbp("∨") ← 3;

led("∧") ← 'boole("1000", left, parse 4)';

lbp("∧") ← 4;

nud("~") ← 'boole("0101", parse 5, "0")'

To run the theorem prover, evaluate k←1; parse 0.

定理証明を実行するには、評価するk←1; parse 0。

For example, we might have the following exchange:


(a→b)∧(b→c)→(a→c)? theorem
a? non-theorem
a∨~a? theorem

until we turn the machine off somehow.


The first definition of the program deals with new variables; which is anything without a prior meaning that needs a nud. The first new variable will get the constant 01 for its nud, the next 0011, then 00001111, etc. Next, ? is defined to work as a delimiter; it responds to the value of its left argument (the truth-table column for parses a list of expressions delimited by the whole proposition), processes the next proposition by calling the parser, and returns the result to the next level parser. This parser then passes it to the next ? as its left argument, and the process continues, without building up a stack of ?s as ? is left associative.

プログラムの最初の定義は新しい変数を扱います。これは、先験的な意味のないものであり、裸を必要とするものです。最初の新しい変数は01、nud、next 0011、then 00001111などの定数を取得します。次に、?デリミタとして動作するように定義されます。その左の引数の値に応答し(真理値表の列は命題全体で区切られた式のリストを解析する)、次の命題を処理してパーサーを呼び出し、その結果を次のレベルのパーサに返す。このパーサは、次のに渡し?としてその左引数、およびプロセスは、スタックの構築せずに、続け?てSを?左結合です。

Next, ( is defined to interpret and return an expression, skipping the following ). The remaining definitions should be self-explanatory. The reader interested in how this approach to theorem provers works is on his own as we are mainly concerned here with the way in which the definitions specify the syntax and semantics of the language.


The overhead of this approach is almost negligible. The parser spends possibly four machine cycles or so per token (not counting lexical analysis), and the semantics can be seen to do almost nothing; only when the strings get longer than a computer word need we expect any significant time to be spent by the logical operations. For this particular interpreter, this efficiency is irrelevant; however, for a general purpose interpreter, if we process the program so the lexical items become pointers into a symbol table, then the efficiency of interpreting the resulting string would be no worse than interpreting a tree using a tree-traversing algorithm as in LISP interpreters.


For the next example we describe a translator from the language used in the above to trees whose format is that of the internal representation of LISP s-expressions, an ideal intermediate language for most compilers.

次の例では、上で使用した言語から、ほとんどのコンパイラにとって理想的な中間言語であるLISP s-expressionsの内部表現のものであるツリーへのトランスレータについて説明します。

In the example we focus on the versatility the procedural approach gives us, and the power to improve the descriptive capacity of the metalanguage we get from bootstrapping. Some of the verbosity of the theorem prover can be done away with in this way.


We present a subset of the definitions of tokens of the language L; all of them are defined in L, although in practice one would begin with a host language H (say the target language, here LISP) and write as many definitions in H as are sufficient to define the reast in L. We do not give the definitions of nilfix, prefix, infix or infixr here; however, they perform assignments to the appropriate objects; e.g. (nilfix a b) performs nud(a)←'b', (prefix a b c) sets bp←b before perfomring nud(a)←'c', (infix a b c) does the same as (prefix a b c) except that the led is defined instead and also lbp(a)←b is done, and infixr is like infix except that bp←b-1 replaces bp←b. The variable bp is available for use for calling the parser when reading c. Also (delim x) does lbp(x)←0. The function (a getlist b) parses a list of expressions delimited by as, parsing each one by calling parse b, and it returns a LISP list of the results.

言語Lのトークンの定義のサブセットを提示する。それらのすべてはLで定義されていますが、実際にはホスト言語H(ターゲット言語、ここではLISPとします)で始まり、Lでの収穫を定義するのに十分な数のHをHで記述します。定義はnilfix、prefix、infixまたはinfixrここに。ただし、適切なオブジェクトへの割り当てを実行します。例えば(nilfix a b)行いnud(a)←'b'、(prefix a b c)設定bp←bperfomring前にnud(a)←'c'、(infix a b c)同じん(prefix a b c)LEDが代わりにしても定義されていることを除いてはlbp(a)←b行われており、infixrのようなものであるinfixことを除いてbp←b-1代わりますbp←b。この変数bpは、読み込み時にパーサーを呼び出すために使用できますc。また、(delim x)そうlbp(x)←0です。この関数(a getlist b)は、asで区切られた式のリストを解析し、それぞれを呼び出して解析しparse b、結果のLISPリストを返します。

The object is to translate, for example, a+b into (PLUS a b), a;b into (PROG2 a b), a&b into (PROG2 nil a b), -a into (MINUS a), λx,y,...,z;a into (LAMBDA (x y ... z) a), etc. These target objects are LISP lists, so we will use [ to build them; [a, b,...,c] translates into (LIST a b ... c).

オブジェクトは、例えば、翻訳することですa+bへ(PLUS a b)、a;bへ(PROG2 a b)、a&bへ(PROG2 nil a b)、-aへ(MINUS a)、λx,y,...,z;aへ(LAMBDA (x y ... z) a)、等が挙げられる。これらのターゲット・オブジェクトはLISPリストされているので、我々が使用する[それらを構築します。[a, b,...,c]に翻訳する(LIST a b ... c)。

nilfix  right          ["PARSE", bp] $
infixr  ;           1  ["PROG2", left, right] $
infixr  &           1  ["PROG2", nil, left, right] $
prefix  is          1  ["LIST", right, 'left', ["PARSE", bp]] $
infix   $           1  [print eval left; right] $
prefix  delim       99 ["DELIM", token & advance] $
prefix  '           0  ["QUOTE", right & check "'"] $
delim   ' $
prefix  [           0  ("LIST" . "," getlist bp & check "]") $
delim   ] $
delim   , $
prefix  (           0  (right & check ")") $
delim   ) $
infix   (           25 (left . if token ≠ ")" then ("," getlist 0) &
                           check ")" else nil $
infix   getlist     25 is "GETLIST" $
prefix  if          2  ["COND", [right, check "then"; right]] @
                           (if token = "else" then (advance; [[right]])) $
delim   then $
delim   else $
nilfix  advance        ["ADVANCE"] $
prefix  check       25 ["CHECK", right] $
infix   ←           25 ["SETQ", left, parse(1)] $
prefix  λ           0  ["LAMBDA", ",", getlist 25 & check ";", right] $
prefix  +           20 right $
infix   +           20 is "PLUS" $
prefix  -           20 ["MINUS", right] $
infix   -           20 is "DIFFERENCE" $
infix   ×           21 is "TIMES" $
infix   ÷           21 is "QUOTIENT" $
infixr  ↑           22 is "EXPT" $
infixr  ↓           22 is "LOG" $
prefix  |           0  ["ABS", right & check "|"] $
delim   | $
infixr  @           14 is "APPEND" $
infixr  .           14 is "CONS" $
prefix  α           14 ["CAR", right] $
prefix  β           14 ["CDR", right] $
infix   ε           12 is "MEMBER" $
infix   =           10 is "EQUAL" $
infix   ≠           10 ["NOT", ["EQUAL", left, right]] $
infix   <           10 is "LESSP" $
infix   >           10 is "GREATERP"

and so on.


The reader may find some of the bootstrapping a little confusing. let us consider the definitions of right and +. The former is equivalent to nud(right) ← '["PARSE", bp]'.

読者はブートストラップのいくつかを少し混乱させるかもしれません。私たちは、の定義を考えてみましょうrightと+。前者はと同等nud(right) ← '["PARSE", bp]'です。

The latter is equivalent to nud(+) ← 'parse(20)' and led(+) ← '["PLUS", left, parse(20)], because when the nud of right is encountered while reading the definitions of +, it is evaluated by the parser in an environment where bp is 20 (assigned by prefix/infix).

後者は、と等価であるnud(+) ← 'parse(20)' and led(+) ← '["PLUS", left, parse(20)]の定義を読みながら右のNUDに遭遇したときので、+それは環境にパーサーによって評価さbpれる20(接頭辞/中置によって割り当てられました)。

It is worth noting how effectively we made use of the bootstrapping capability in defining is, which saved a considerable amount of typing. With more work, one could define even more exotic facilities. A useful one would be the ability to describe the argument structure of operators using regular expressions.


The is facility is more declarative than imperative in flavor, even though it is a program. This is an instance of the boundary between declaratives and imperatives becoming fuzzy. There do not appear to be any reliable ways of distinguishing the two in general.


5. Conclusions

5. Conclusions

We argued that BNF-oriented approaches to the writing of translators and interpreters were not enjoying the success one might wish for. We recommended lexical semantics, operator precedence and a flexible approach to dealing with arguments. We presented a trivial parsing algorithm for realizing this approach, and gave examples of an interpretive theorem prover and a trans- lator based on this approach.


It is clear how this approach can be used by translator writers. The modularity of the approach also makes it ideal for implementing extensible languages. The triviality of the parser makes it easy to implement either in software or hardware, and efficient to operate. Attention was paid to some aspects of error detection, and it is clear that type checking and the like, though not exemplified in the above, can be handled in the semantic code. And there is no doubt that the procedural approach will allow us to do anything any other system could do, although conceivably not always as conveniently.


The system has so far found two practical applications. One is as the "front-end" for the SCRATCH-PAD system of Greismer and Jenks at IBM Yorktown Heights. The implementation was carried out by Fred Blair. The other application is the syntactic component of Project MAC's Mathlab system at MIT, MACSYMA, where this approach added to MACSYMA extension facilities not possible with the previous precedence parser used in MACSYMA. The implementer was Michael Genesreth.

このシステムはこれまでに2つの実用的な用途を見出している。1つは、IBM Yorktown HeightsのGreismerとJenksのSCRATCH-PADシステムの「フロントエンド」です。実施はFred Blairによって行われた。もう1つのアプリケーションは、MIT、MACSYMAのProject MACのMathlabシステムの構文コンポーネントです。このアプローチでは、MACSYMAで使用されていた以前の優先パーザでは不可能なMACSYMA拡張機能が追加されています。実装者はMichael Genesrethでした。

6. Acknowledgments

6. 謝辞

I am indebted to a large number of people who have discussed some of the ideas in this paper with me. In particular I must thank Michael Fischer for supplying many valuable ideas relevant to the implementation, and for much programming help in defining and implementing CGOL, a pilot language initially used to break in and improve the system, but which we hope to develop further in the future as a desirable programming language for a large number of classes of users.

7. References

7. 参考文献

Aho, A.V. 1968. Indexed Grammars. JACM 15 4, 647-671

Chomsky, N. 1959. On certain formal properties of grammar. Information and Control, 2, 2, 137-167.

Fischer, M.J. 1968. Macros with Grammar-like Productions. Ph. D. Thesis, Harvard University.

Floyd, R.W. 1963. Syntactic Analysis and Operator Precedence. JACM 10, 3, 316-333.

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